Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessException

Uses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.env

Subclasses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.env
 class DiscoveryException
          Exception thrown during a discovery process.
 class PriorityException
          Exception thrown during a prioritisation process.
 class SelectionException
          Exception thrown during a selection process.
 class STSFailureException
          Exception thrown during a security token retrieval process.

Uses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.pem

Methods in nextgrid.api.pem that return ProcessException
 ProcessException ProcessEvent.getException()
          Gets the event exception.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pem with parameters of type ProcessException
 void ProcessEvent.setException(ProcessException ex)
          Sets the event exception.

Uses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.pom

Subclasses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.pom
 class ExpressionException
          ExpressionException type.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pom that throw ProcessException
 void ProcessController.cancel()
          Cancels the process enaction.
 void env)
          Discovers service implementations for this process.
 ProcessController Process.enact(ProcessEnvironment env)
          Prepares the process for being enacted.
 void Process.evaluate(ProcessEnvironment env)
          Evaluates this process.
 void Grounding.invoke(ProcessEnvironment env, Service service)
          Invokes the logic of this grounding.
 void ProcessController.join()
          Suspends the current thread until the workflow execution finishes.
 void ProcessController.pause()
          Pauses a workflow execution.
 void Process.prioritise(ProcessEnvironment env, java.util.PriorityQueue<Process> queue)
          Determines the evaluation order of this process children.
 void ProcessController.resume()
          Resumes a workflow execution.
          Synchronous workflow execution.
 void ProcessController.start()
          Starts the process enaction.
 void Process.validate()
          Validates this process.
 void Grounding.validate()
          Validates this grounding.

Uses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.ram

Subclasses of ProcessException in nextgrid.api.ram
 class RegistryException
          Exceptions thrown by a Registry if an error occurs during a query execution.

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