AbstractProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
An AbstractProcess represents a process with no implementation binding details, but only semantic information that can be used to discover compliant implementations through the grid.
addChildren(int, Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
addChildren(Process...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Adds a set of processes to the child list.
addConstraint(Query) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Adds a query to the list.
addConstraint(String, String) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Adds a query to the list.
addListener(POMListener) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Adds a listener to this process.
addListenersFor(URI, POMListener...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Adds one or more listeners to a given process.
addReader(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Adds a process to the readers list.
addWriter(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Adds a process to the writers list.
AsyncProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
A process of this type is executed asynchronously with the rest of the workflow.
ATTR_GROUNDING_TYPE - Static variable in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Attribute key for the service grounding type URI.
ATTR_OPERATION - Static variable in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Attribute key for service groundings accepting operation names.


boolEval(ProcessEnvironment, Object) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Expression
Evaluate this XPath expression as a boolean.
BuildException - Exception in nextgrid.api.builder
Exceptions thrown during process building.
BuildException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.builder.BuildException
Creates a new instance.
BuildException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.builder.BuildException
Creates a new instance.
BuildException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.builder.BuildException
Creates a new instance.


canCastFrom(Class<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets if the value can be converted from the specified type.
canCastTo(Class<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets if the value can be casted to the specified type.
cancel() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Cancels the process enaction.
cancelPerformed() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ControlListener
The ProcessController.cancel() method has been invoked.
castTo(Class<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets the value after casting it to the specified type.
clearLinks() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Clears the reader and writer lists.
clearListeners() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Clears all listeners registered in this environment instance.
clearListenersFor(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Clears all listeners registered for a given Process in this environment instance.
ControlListener - Interface in nextgrid.api.pem
A listener that receives notification on control status events.
ControlProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.
copy() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Makes a deep copy of this instance.
copy() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
makes a deep copy of this instance.
createGrounding() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactory
Creates a grounding by its URI type.


delete(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Removes a process from a registry.
delete(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Removes a process from a registry.
discover(AbstractProcess) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessDiscoverer
Searches through associated registries all processes matching the semantic description of the abstract process passed as a parameter.
discover(QueryProfile) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessDiscoverer
Searches through associated registries all processes matching the specified query profile.
discover(ProcessEnvironment) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Discovers service implementations for this process.
Discoverer - Interface in nextgrid.api.ram
Type description.
discovererSelected(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryListener
Invoked before the discovery process start, once a ProcessDiscoverer instance is selected for usage.
DiscoveryEvent - Class in nextgrid.api.pem
Encapsulates information about a discovery-related event.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer, Process) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer, Process, List<Process>) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer, Process, List<Process>, DiscoveryException) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Creates an instance.
DiscoveryException - Exception in nextgrid.api.env
Exception thrown during a discovery process.
DiscoveryException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.DiscoveryException
Creates a new instance.
DiscoveryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.DiscoveryException
Creates a new instance.
discoveryFailed(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryListener
Called after a discovery fails.
discoveryFinished(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryListener
Called after a discovery finishes (successfully).
DiscoveryListener - Interface in nextgrid.api.pem
A class implementing this interface can be registered on a Process instance to receive notification on discovery-related events.
discoveryStarting(DiscoveryEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryListener
Called before a discovery starts on a process.
dispose() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Clean up.
dispose() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Depending on the reference nature, it may be necessary to free resources, or perform some kind of finalisation.
DoWhileProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
DoWhileProcess type.


enact(ProcessEnvironment) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Prepares the process for being enacted.
evaluate(ProcessEnvironment) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Evaluates this process.
Expression - Class in nextgrid.api.pom
Expression wrapper.
Expression(String, String) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pom.Expression
Creates a new instance.
ExpressionException - Exception in nextgrid.api.pom
ExpressionException type.
ExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ExpressionException
Creates a new instance.
ExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ExpressionException
Creates a new instance.


findBuilderByURI(URI) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilderFinder
Gets a builder by its URI id.
findBuilderFor(Class<T>) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilderFinder
Gets a builder for the specified model type.
findFactory(URI) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactoryFinder
Gets a factory for the specified model type.
findFactory(String) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactoryFinder
Gets a factory for the specified model type.
findProcessById(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Searches through the entire workflow a Process instance with the given identifier.
findRoot() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Finds the workflow root process.
fromPOM(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Converts a POM instance into another model type.


get(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Retrieves a process from a registry.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets an environment attribute value.
getAttribute(QName) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets an attribute by its qualified name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets an attribute by its name.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets an attribute by its name.
getAttributes() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets a map containing all attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets a map of attributes attached to this process instance.
getAvailableTypes() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactoryFinder
Gets a list of all available Grounding types.
getCandidates() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Gets the value of candidates.
getCandidates() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Gets the list of candidates for this abstract process.
getChildCount() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets the number of child processes.
getChildren() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets the processes in the children list.
getChildren(int) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets a child process by its index.
getConstraints() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Gets the constraints defined in this profile as a list of queries.
getDescription() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets a short description for this process.
getDiscoverer() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Gets the value of discoverer.
getDiscovererFor(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets a discoverer for the specified process id.
getDiscoverers() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets the discoverer instances registered in this environment.
getElse() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Gets the process in the "else" branch.
getException() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.DiscoveryEvent
Gets the value of exception.
getException() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessEvent
Gets the event exception.
getExpression() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess
Gets the expr value.
getExpression() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Gets the expr value.
getExpression() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.RepeatUntilProcess
Gets the expr value.
getExpression() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.WhileDoProcess
Gets the expression value.
getFactory() - Static method in class nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactoryFinder
Gets a process factory instance.
getGrounding() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Service
Gets the grounding associated to this service.
getId() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessSelector
Gets this instance id.
getId() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the process identifier.
getInput(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets an input reference by name.
getInputs() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the map of references to input parameters.
getInputType(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the data type for the specified input parameter.
getLang() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Expression
Gets the language of this expression.
getLang() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Query
Gets the language value.
getListenersFor(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets a collection of listeners to be attached to the given Process id.
getLocalVar(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets a reference used by this process as a local variable.
getLocalVars() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets the collection of all local variables defined in the scope of this process instance.
getModelType() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Gets the class of the supported model.
getName() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the process name.
getOutput(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets an output reference by name.
getOutputs() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the map of references to output parameters.
getOutputType(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the data type for the specified output parameter.
getParent() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the parent of this process.
getPrioritiserFor(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets a prioritiser for the specified process id.
getPrioritisers() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets the prioritiser instances.
getPriority() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Gets the current priority of this process.
getProcess() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.POMEvent
Gets the value of process.
getProfile() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Gets the profile model associated to this instance.
getReaders() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets the reader processes attached to this reference.
getRegistries() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Discoverer
Gets the list containing the registries associated to this instance.
getSelected() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Gets the currently selected implementation candidate.
getSelectorFor(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets a selector for the specified process id.
getSelectors() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets the selector instances registered in this environment.
getState() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Gets the current state of the workflow execution.
getSTSModule() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Gets the security module.
getSupportedAttribs() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Gets the names and descriptions of all supported attributes.
getText() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Expression
Gets the text value.
getText() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Query
Gets the text value.
getThen() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Gets the process in the "then" branch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.POMEvent
Gets the value of timestamp.
getType() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Gets a URI for the type of this grounding.
getType() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactory
Gets a URI identifying the type of Groundings created through this factory.
getURI() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Gets an URI that allows builder lookup by "id".
getUsedInputNames() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the list of inputs directly used by this process.
getUsedOutputNames() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the list of outputs directly used by this process.
getValue() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets the referenced value.
getValueType() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets a class instance representing the type of referenced values.
getWriters() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets the writer processes attached to this reference.
Grounding - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Implementation of the service logic.
GroundingFactory - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
POMBuilder finder.
GroundingFactoryFinder - Class in nextgrid.api.pom
GroundingFactory Finder.


IfThenElseProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.
importAllFrom(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports all processes contained in the given source.
importAllFrom(InputStream) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports all processes contained in the given source.
importFrom(File) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports a POM from the given source.
importFrom(URL) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports a POM from the given source.
importFrom(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports a POM from the given source.
importFrom(InputStream) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Imports a POM from an input stream.
invalidate() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Marks this process as not validated.
invoke(ProcessEnvironment, Service) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Invokes the logic of this grounding.
isAvailable() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets if the reference is available for reading.
isEvaluated() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the evaluation state of this process.
isLazy() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets the lazy flag value.
isLazy() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the value of the "lazy" attribute.
isListeningToDescendants() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.POMListener
Determines if the listener will receive notifications from child processes.
isMemoizeActive() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Gets the memoize flag value.
isValidated() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Gets the validation state of this process.


join() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Suspends the current thread until the workflow execution finishes.


LoopProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.


newAbstractProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newAsyncProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newDoWhileProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newIfThenElseProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newRepeatUntilProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newSequenceProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newServiceProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newSplitJoinProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newUnorderedListProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
newWhileDoProcess() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactory
Creates a new process instance.
nextgrid.api.builder - package nextgrid.api.builder
nextgrid.api.env - package nextgrid.api.env
nextgrid.api.pem - package nextgrid.api.pem
nextgrid.api.pom - package nextgrid.api.pom
nextgrid.api.ram - package nextgrid.api.ram
NS_GROUNDING - Static variable in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Name space for grounding attributes.


pause() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Pauses a workflow execution.
pausePerformed() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ControlListener
The ProcessController.pause() method has been invoked.
POMBuilder<T> - Interface in nextgrid.api.builder
ProcessBuilder type.
POMBuilderFinder - Class in nextgrid.api.builder
POMBuilder finder.
POMEvent - Class in nextgrid.api.pem
Encapsulates the information common to all POM events.
POMEvent(Process) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.POMEvent
Creates an instance.
POMListener - Interface in nextgrid.api.pem
Base listener.
prioritise(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.Prioritiser
Prioritise a process.
prioritise(ProcessEnvironment, PriorityQueue<Process>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Determines the evaluation order of this process children.
Prioritiser - Interface in nextgrid.api.env
Prioritiser type.
PriorityException - Exception in nextgrid.api.env
Exception thrown during a prioritisation process.
PriorityException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.PriorityException
Creates a new instance.
PriorityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.PriorityException
Creates a new instance.
Process - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
A Process is the description of a task within a workflow.
ProcessController - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Provides control and monitoring operations for the enaction user.
ProcessController.State - Enum in nextgrid.api.pom
Workflow state.
ProcessDiscoverer - Interface in nextgrid.api.env
Type description.
ProcessEnvironment - Interface in nextgrid.api.env
Provides environment context and services to the processes involved in a workflow enaction.
processEvaluated(ProcessEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessListener
A process has been evaluated.
ProcessEvent - Class in nextgrid.api.pem
Process related event.
ProcessEvent(Process) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessEvent
Creates an instance.
ProcessException - Exception in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.
ProcessException() - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException
Creates an instance.
ProcessException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException
Creates an instance.
ProcessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException
Creates an instance.
ProcessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException
Creates an instance.
ProcessFactory - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.
ProcessFactoryFinder - Class in nextgrid.api.pom
Type description.
processFailed(ProcessEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessListener
A process execution has failed.
processFinished(ProcessEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessListener
A process has completed its execution.
ProcessListener - Interface in nextgrid.api.pem
A process listener receives notifications on state changes of processes.
processSelected(ProcessEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessListener
A process has been selected.
ProcessSelector - Interface in nextgrid.api.env
Selector type (mock-up class, until the VIM enactor is integrated).
processStarted(ProcessEvent) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessListener
A process enaction has started.
putInput(String, Reference<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Puts a reference into the map of input parameters for this process.
putOutput(String, Reference<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Puts a reference into the map of output parameters for this process.


Query - Class in nextgrid.api.pom
Encapsulates a single query in a specific query language.
Query(String, String) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pom.Query
Creates a new instance.
query(String, String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Performs a query in a given language.
QueryProfile - Class in nextgrid.api.pom
Collection of queries for a single process.
QueryProfile() - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Creates a new instance.
QueryProfile(List<Query>) - Constructor for class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Creates a new instance.


readLock() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets a lock for reading.
Reference<T> - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Models an EndPointReference, that is, a reference to a remote process.
register(POMBuilder<?>) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilderFinder
Manually registers a builder, so it is available through the finder.
register(GroundingFactory) - Static method in class nextgrid.api.pom.GroundingFactoryFinder
Manually registers a factory, so it is available through the finder.
register(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Registers a process.
Registry - Interface in nextgrid.api.ram
Type description.
RegistryException - Exception in nextgrid.api.ram
Exceptions thrown by a Registry if an error occurs during a query execution.
RegistryException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.ram.RegistryException
Creates a new instance.
RegistryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.ram.RegistryException
Creates a new instance.
release() - Static method in class nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessFactoryFinder
Cleans the cached factory instance.
removeChild(int) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
removeChild(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Removes a process instance from the children list.
removeConstraint(String) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Removes a query from the list.
removeConstraint(int) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Removes a query from the list.
removeConstraint(Query) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.QueryProfile
Removes a query from the list.
removeInput(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Removes a reference from the input map.
removeListener(POMListener) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Removes a listener from this process.
removeListenersFrom(URI, POMListener...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Removes one or more listeners from the attachment map.
removeOutput(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Removes a reference from the output map.
removeReader(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Removes a process from the readers list.
removeWriter(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Removes a process from the writers list.
RepeatUntilProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
RepeatUntilProcess type.
requestSecurityToken() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.STSModule
Makes a request to a security token service.
reset() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Performs a clean up of the internal state of this process, and any children processes if they exist.
reset() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Clears the value and marks the reference as not available.
resume() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Resumes a workflow execution.
resumePerformed() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ControlListener
The ProcessController.resume() method has been invoked.
run() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Synchronous workflow execution.


select(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessSelector
Selects a process among the candidates collection held by the specified abstract process.
SelectionException - Exception in nextgrid.api.env
Exception thrown during a selection process.
SelectionException() - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.SelectionException
Creates a new instance.
SelectionException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.SelectionException
Creates a new instance.
SelectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.SelectionException
Creates a new instance.
SelectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.SelectionException
Creates a new instance.
SequenceProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
Service - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
A Service is a concrete process.
setAttribute(String, Serializable) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets an environment attribute value.
setAttribute(QName, String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets an attribute value.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets an attribute value.
setAvailable(boolean) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Sets the available flag.
setCandidates(Collection<Process>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Sets the list of candidates for this abstract process.
setChildren(Process...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets the list of child processes for this process instance.
setChildren(int, Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets a child process.
setComponentFor(URI, Object) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Registers an arbitrary object in any collection it fits in.
setDefaultDiscoverer(ProcessDiscoverer) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the discoverer instance associated to all processes without an explicit one.
setDefaultPrioritiser(Prioritiser) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the prioritiser instance associated to all processes without an explicit one.
setDefaultSelector(ProcessSelector) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the selector instance associated to all processes without an explicit one.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets a short description for this process.
setDiscovererFor(URI, ProcessDiscoverer) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the discoverer associated to a given URI.
setElse(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Sets the process in the "else" branch.
setException(ProcessException) - Method in class nextgrid.api.pem.ProcessEvent
Sets the event exception.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess
Sets the expr value.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Sets the expr value.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.RepeatUntilProcess
Sets the expr value.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.WhileDoProcess
Sets the expression value.
setGrounding(Grounding) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Service
Sets the grounding associated to this service.
setId(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessSelector
Sets this instance id.
setId(URI) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets the process identifier.
setLazy(boolean) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets the value of the lazy flag.
setLazy(boolean) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets the value of the "lazy" attribute.
setLocalVar(String, Reference<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets a reference used by this process as a local variable.
setMembershipGroup(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.STSModule
Set the group service EPR whose token is required.
setMemoizeActive(boolean) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets the memoize flag value.
setName(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets the process name.
setParent(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Sets the parent of this process.
setPrioritiser(URI, Prioritiser) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the prioritiser associated to a given URI.
setPriority(int) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Sets the priority of this process.
setProfile(QueryProfile) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Sets the profile model associated to this instance.
setSelected(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Selects the specified process as the implementation of this instance.
setSelectorFor(URI, ProcessSelector) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the selector associated to a given URI.
setSTSModule(STSModule) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.env.ProcessEnvironment
Sets the security module implementation.
setThen(Process) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.IfThenElseProcess
Sets the process in the "then" branch.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Sets the referenced value.
SplitJoinProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
This process concurrently enacts a set of processes, implementing a barrier-like synchronisation point at the end of all processes execution.
start() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController
Starts the process enaction.
startPerformed() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pem.ControlListener
The ProcessController.start() method has been invoked.
STSFailureException - Exception in nextgrid.api.env
Exception thrown during a security token retrieval process.
STSFailureException() - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.STSFailureException
Creates a new instance.
STSFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.STSFailureException
Creates a new instance.
STSFailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.STSFailureException
Creates a new instance.
STSFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nextgrid.api.env.STSFailureException
Creates a new instance.
STSModule - Interface in nextgrid.api.env
supports(String) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.ram.Registry
Gets if this registry supports the given syntax.


toPOM(T) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.builder.POMBuilder
Converts a model into a POM instance.
trim(int) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
Sets the size of the children list to a maximum of count items.


UNDEFINED_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface nextgrid.api.pom.AbstractProcess
Priority value used for processes without an assigned priority.
UnorderedListProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
Enacts all its children subprocesses in an indeterministic order, but never concurrently.
unuseInput(String...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Removes the passed names from the list of needed inputs.
unuseOutput(String...) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Removes the passed names from the list of needed outputs.
useInput(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Declares that this process requires an input parameter with the specified name and type.
useOutput(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Declares that this process uses the set of outputs specified by the passed list.


validate() - Method in class nextgrid.api.pom.Expression
Checks that the expression is valid.
validate() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Grounding
Validates this grounding.
validate() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
Validates this process.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessController.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


waitAvailable() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Waits until the reference is made available in another thread.
WhileDoProcess - Interface in nextgrid.api.pom
WhileDoProcess type.
writeLock() - Method in interface nextgrid.api.pom.Reference
Gets a lock for writing.


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