Package nextgrid.api.pom

Interface Summary
AbstractProcess An AbstractProcess represents a process with no implementation binding details, but only semantic information that can be used to discover compliant implementations through the grid.
AsyncProcess A process of this type is executed asynchronously with the rest of the workflow.
ControlProcess Type description.
DoWhileProcess DoWhileProcess type.
Grounding Implementation of the service logic.
GroundingFactory POMBuilder finder.
IfThenElseProcess Type description.
LoopProcess Type description.
Process A Process is the description of a task within a workflow.
ProcessController Provides control and monitoring operations for the enaction user.
ProcessFactory Type description.
Reference<T> Models an EndPointReference, that is, a reference to a remote process.
RepeatUntilProcess RepeatUntilProcess type.
SequenceProcess Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
Service A Service is a concrete process.
SplitJoinProcess This process concurrently enacts a set of processes, implementing a barrier-like synchronisation point at the end of all processes execution.
UnorderedListProcess Enacts all its children subprocesses in an indeterministic order, but never concurrently.
WhileDoProcess WhileDoProcess type.

Class Summary
Expression Expression wrapper.
GroundingFactoryFinder GroundingFactory Finder.
ProcessFactoryFinder Type description.
Query Encapsulates a single query in a specific query language.
QueryProfile Collection of queries for a single process.

Enum Summary
ProcessController.State Workflow state.

Exception Summary
ExpressionException ExpressionException type.
ProcessException Type description.

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