Interface Summary |
AbstractProcess |
An AbstractProcess represents a process with no implementation binding
details, but only semantic information that can be used to discover compliant
implementations through the grid. |
AsyncProcess |
A process of this type is executed asynchronously with the rest of the
workflow. |
ControlProcess |
Type description. |
DoWhileProcess |
DoWhileProcess type. |
Grounding |
Implementation of the service logic. |
GroundingFactory |
POMBuilder finder. |
IfThenElseProcess |
Type description. |
LoopProcess |
Type description. |
Process |
A Process is the description of a task within a workflow. |
ProcessController |
Provides control and monitoring operations for the enaction user. |
ProcessFactory |
Type description. |
Reference<T> |
Models an EndPointReference, that is, a reference to a remote process. |
RepeatUntilProcess |
RepeatUntilProcess type. |
SequenceProcess |
Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential
basis. |
Service |
A Service is a concrete process. |
SplitJoinProcess |
This process concurrently enacts a set of processes, implementing a
barrier-like synchronisation point at the end of all processes execution. |
UnorderedListProcess |
Enacts all its children subprocesses in an indeterministic order, but never
concurrently. |
WhileDoProcess |
WhileDoProcess type. |