Uses of Interface

Packages that use Process

Uses of Process in nextgrid.api.builder

Methods in nextgrid.api.builder that return Process
 Process POMBuilder.importFrom( src)
          Imports a POM from the given source.
 Process POMBuilder.importFrom( is)
          Imports a POM from an input stream.
 Process POMBuilder.importFrom( src)
          Imports a POM from the given source.
 Process POMBuilder.importFrom( src)
          Imports a POM from the given source.
 Process POMBuilder.toPOM(T model)
          Converts a model into a POM instance.

Methods in nextgrid.api.builder that return types with arguments of type Process
 java.util.Collection<Process> POMBuilder.importAllFrom( is)
          Imports all processes contained in the given source.
 java.util.Collection<Process> POMBuilder.importAllFrom( uri)
          Imports all processes contained in the given source.

Methods in nextgrid.api.builder with parameters of type Process
 T POMBuilder.fromPOM(Process process)
          Converts a POM instance into another model type.

Uses of Process in nextgrid.api.env

Methods in nextgrid.api.env that return Process
 Process Prioritiser.prioritise(Process process)
          Prioritise a process.

Methods in nextgrid.api.env that return types with arguments of type Process
 java.util.Collection<Process> process)
          Searches through associated registries all processes matching the semantic description of the abstract process passed as a parameter.
 java.util.Collection<Process> profile)
          Searches through associated registries all processes matching the specified query profile.

Methods in nextgrid.api.env with parameters of type Process
 Process Prioritiser.prioritise(Process process)
          Prioritise a process.
 void p)
          Selects a process among the candidates collection held by the specified abstract process.

Uses of Process in nextgrid.api.pem

Methods in nextgrid.api.pem that return Process
 Process POMEvent.getProcess()
          Gets the value of process.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pem that return types with arguments of type Process
 java.util.List<Process> DiscoveryEvent.getCandidates()
          Gets the value of candidates.

Constructors in nextgrid.api.pem with parameters of type Process
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer discoverer, Process process)
          Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer discoverer, Process process, java.util.List<Process> candidates)
          Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer discoverer, Process process, java.util.List<Process> candidates, DiscoveryException exception)
          Creates an instance.
POMEvent(Process process)
          Creates an instance.
ProcessEvent(Process process)
          Creates an instance.

Constructor parameters in nextgrid.api.pem with type arguments of type Process
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer discoverer, Process process, java.util.List<Process> candidates)
          Creates an instance.
DiscoveryEvent(ProcessDiscoverer discoverer, Process process, java.util.List<Process> candidates, DiscoveryException exception)
          Creates an instance.

Uses of Process in nextgrid.api.pom

Subinterfaces of Process in nextgrid.api.pom
 interface AbstractProcess
          An AbstractProcess represents a process with no implementation binding details, but only semantic information that can be used to discover compliant implementations through the grid.
 interface AsyncProcess
          A process of this type is executed asynchronously with the rest of the workflow.
 interface ControlProcess
          Type description.
 interface DoWhileProcess
          DoWhileProcess type.
 interface IfThenElseProcess
          Type description.
 interface LoopProcess
          Type description.
 interface RepeatUntilProcess
          RepeatUntilProcess type.
 interface SequenceProcess
          Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
 interface Service
          A Service is a concrete process.
 interface SplitJoinProcess
          This process concurrently enacts a set of processes, implementing a barrier-like synchronisation point at the end of all processes execution.
 interface UnorderedListProcess
          Enacts all its children subprocesses in an indeterministic order, but never concurrently.
 interface WhileDoProcess
          WhileDoProcess type.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pom that return Process
 Process Process.copy()
          Makes a deep copy of this instance.
 Process Process.findProcessById( id)
          Searches through the entire workflow a Process instance with the given identifier.
 Process Process.findRoot()
          Finds the workflow root process.
 Process[] ControlProcess.getChildren()
          Gets the processes in the children list.
 Process ControlProcess.getChildren(int index)
          Gets a child process by its index.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.getElse()
          Gets the process in the "else" branch.
 Process Process.getParent()
          Gets the parent of this process.
 Process AbstractProcess.getSelected()
          Gets the currently selected implementation candidate.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.getThen()
          Gets the process in the "then" branch.
 Process ControlProcess.removeChild(int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.setElse(Process process)
          Sets the process in the "else" branch.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.setThen(Process process)
          Sets the process in the "then" branch.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pom that return types with arguments of type Process
 java.util.List<Process> AbstractProcess.getCandidates()
          Gets the list of candidates for this abstract process.
 java.util.Set<Process> Reference.getReaders()
          Gets the reader processes attached to this reference.
 java.util.Set<Process> Reference.getWriters()
          Gets the writer processes attached to this reference.

Methods in nextgrid.api.pom with parameters of type Process
 void ControlProcess.addChildren(int index, Process child)
          Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
 void ControlProcess.addChildren(Process... processes)
          Adds a set of processes to the child list.
 void Reference.addReader(Process reader)
          Adds a process to the readers list.
 void Reference.addWriter(Process writer)
          Adds a process to the writers list.
 boolean ControlProcess.removeChild(Process child)
          Removes a process instance from the children list.
 void Reference.removeReader(Process reader)
          Removes a process from the readers list.
 void Reference.removeWriter(Process writer)
          Removes a process from the writers list.
 void ControlProcess.setChildren(int index, Process child)
          Sets a child process.
 void ControlProcess.setChildren(Process... children)
          Sets the list of child processes for this process instance.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.setElse(Process process)
          Sets the process in the "else" branch.
 void Process.setParent(Process parent)
          Sets the parent of this process.
 void AbstractProcess.setSelected(Process p)
          Selects the specified process as the implementation of this instance.
 Process IfThenElseProcess.setThen(Process process)
          Sets the process in the "then" branch.

Method parameters in nextgrid.api.pom with type arguments of type Process
 void Process.prioritise(ProcessEnvironment env, java.util.PriorityQueue<Process> queue)
          Determines the evaluation order of this process children.
 void AbstractProcess.setCandidates(java.util.Collection<Process> candidates)
          Sets the list of candidates for this abstract process.

Uses of Process in nextgrid.api.ram

Methods in nextgrid.api.ram that return Process
 Process Registry.get( uri)
          Retrieves a process from a registry.

Methods in nextgrid.api.ram that return types with arguments of type Process
 java.util.Collection<Process> Registry.query(java.lang.String query, java.lang.String lang)
          Performs a query in a given language.

Methods in nextgrid.api.ram with parameters of type Process
 void Registry.delete(Process process)
          Removes a process from a registry. Registry.register(Process process)
          Registers a process.

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