Uses of Interface

Packages that use ControlProcess

Uses of ControlProcess in nextgrid.api.pom

Subinterfaces of ControlProcess in nextgrid.api.pom
 interface AsyncProcess
          A process of this type is executed asynchronously with the rest of the workflow.
 interface DoWhileProcess
          DoWhileProcess type.
 interface IfThenElseProcess
          Type description.
 interface LoopProcess
          Type description.
 interface RepeatUntilProcess
          RepeatUntilProcess type.
 interface SequenceProcess
          Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
 interface SplitJoinProcess
          This process concurrently enacts a set of processes, implementing a barrier-like synchronisation point at the end of all processes execution.
 interface UnorderedListProcess
          Enacts all its children subprocesses in an indeterministic order, but never concurrently.
 interface WhileDoProcess
          WhileDoProcess type.

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