Uses of Interface

Packages that use POMListener

Uses of POMListener in nextgrid.api.env

Methods in nextgrid.api.env that return types with arguments of type POMListener
 java.util.Collection<POMListener> ProcessEnvironment.getListenersFor( id)
          Gets a collection of listeners to be attached to the given Process id.

Methods in nextgrid.api.env with parameters of type POMListener
 void ProcessEnvironment.addListenersFor( id, POMListener... listeners)
          Adds one or more listeners to a given process.
 void ProcessEnvironment.removeListenersFrom( id, POMListener... listeners)
          Removes one or more listeners from the attachment map.

Uses of POMListener in nextgrid.api.pem

Subinterfaces of POMListener in nextgrid.api.pem
 interface ControlListener
          A listener that receives notification on control status events.
 interface DiscoveryListener
          A class implementing this interface can be registered on a Process instance to receive notification on discovery-related events.
 interface ProcessListener
          A process listener receives notifications on state changes of processes.

Uses of POMListener in nextgrid.api.pom

Methods in nextgrid.api.pom with parameters of type POMListener
 void Process.addListener(POMListener listener)
          Adds a listener to this process.
 void Process.removeListener(POMListener listener)
          Removes a listener from this process.

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