Uses of Interface

Packages that use Enactable

Uses of Enactable in com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom

Classes in com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom that implement Enactable
 class AbstractProcessImpl
          A process with a semantic description, but no specific implementation binding details.
 class AsyncProcessImpl
          Control process that executes all its children sub-processes concurrently.
 class ControlProcessImpl
          Control Process.
 class DoWhileProcessImpl
          DoWhileProcess type.
 class IfThenElseProcessImpl
          Type description.
 class ProcessImpl
          Base implementation for Processes.
 class RepeatUntilProcessImpl
          RepeatUntilProcess type.
 class SequenceProcessImpl
          Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
 class ServiceImpl
          Services are concrete processes, bound to a specific grounding.
 class SplitJoinProcessImpl
          Control process that executes all its children process concurrently, and waits until they all finish.
 class UnorderedListProcessImpl
          Control process that executes its children in a non-deterministic order, but never concurrently.
 class WhileDoProcessImpl
          WhileDoProcess type.

Methods in com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom with parameters of type Enactable
 com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.EnactionWorker ProcessContext.createWorkerThread(Enactable enactable)
          Creates a Thread that executes an Enactable instance taking care of exception handling.

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