Class DoWhileProcessImpl

  extended by com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.PemHelper
      extended by com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessImpl
          extended by com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcessImpl
              extended by com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcessImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enactable, WithExpression,, java.lang.Cloneable, nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess, nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess, nextgrid.api.pom.LoopProcess, nextgrid.api.pom.Process

public final class DoWhileProcessImpl
extends ControlProcessImpl
implements nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess, WithExpression

DoWhileProcess type.

Rodrigo Ruiz
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessImpl
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessImpl
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance.
Method Summary
protected  void doReset()
          Performs specific reset actions in each subclass.
protected  void doValidate(ProcessImpl.ValidationType when)
          Performs any validation action needed for the process implementation.
 nextgrid.api.pom.Expression getExpression()
          Gets the expr value.
 void run(ProcessContext ctx)
          Performs the actual enaction of a process.
 void setExpression(nextgrid.api.pom.Expression expression)
          Sets the expr value.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcessImpl
addChildren, addChildren, copy, discover, doEvaluate, findProcessById, getChildCount, getChildren, getChildren, getLocalVar, getLocalVars, isMemoizeActive, prioritise, removeChild, removeChild, resetChildren, setChildren, setChildren, setLocalVar, setMemoizeActive, trim
Methods inherited from class com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessImpl
attachListeners, enact, evaluate, evaluate, findRoot, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getDescription, getId, getInput, getInputs, getInputs, getInputType, getName, getOutput, getOutputs, getOutputs, getOutputType, getParent, getState, getUsedInputNames, getUsedOutputNames, invalidate, isEvaluated, isLazy, isValidated, prioritise, putInput, putOutput, removeInput, removeOutput, reset, setAttribute, setAttribute, setDescription, setEvaluated, setId, setLazy, setName, setParent, setState, unuseInput, unuseOutput, useInput, useOutput, validate, waitForInputs
Methods inherited from class com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom.PemHelper
addListener, fireDiscovererSelected, fireDiscoveryFailed, fireDiscoveryFinished, fireDiscoveryStarting, fireEvent, fireProcessEvaluated, fireProcessFailed, fireProcessFailed, fireProcessFinished, fireProcessFinished, fireProcessSelected, fireProcessStarted, removeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface nextgrid.api.pom.ControlProcess
addChildren, addChildren, getChildCount, getChildren, getChildren, getLocalVar, getLocalVars, isLazy, isMemoizeActive, removeChild, removeChild, setChildren, setChildren, setLazy, setLocalVar, setMemoizeActive, trim
Methods inherited from interface nextgrid.api.pom.Process
addListener, copy, discover, enact, evaluate, findProcessById, findRoot, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getDescription, getId, getInput, getInputs, getInputType, getName, getOutput, getOutputs, getOutputType, getParent, getUsedInputNames, getUsedOutputNames, invalidate, isEvaluated, isValidated, prioritise, putInput, putOutput, removeInput, removeListener, removeOutput, reset, setAttribute, setAttribute, setDescription, setId, setName, setParent, unuseInput, unuseOutput, useInput, useOutput, validate

Constructor Detail


public DoWhileProcessImpl()
Creates a new instance.

Method Detail


public nextgrid.api.pom.Expression getExpression()
Gets the expr value.

Specified by:
getExpression in interface nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess
The expr


public void setExpression(nextgrid.api.pom.Expression expression)
Sets the expr value.

Specified by:
setExpression in interface WithExpression
Specified by:
setExpression in interface nextgrid.api.pom.DoWhileProcess
expression - The expression to set


protected void doValidate(ProcessImpl.ValidationType when)
                   throws nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException
Performs any validation action needed for the process implementation.

Specified by:
doValidate in class ProcessImpl
when - Specifies when this validation is being invoked
nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException - If the validation fails


public void run(ProcessContext ctx)
         throws nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException,
Performs the actual enaction of a process.

The instance must take into account possible errors, like service unavailability, or execution errors. As long as there are more "valid" candidates for the process, errors should not be propagated to the parent, and the next candidate should be selected and enacted.

A ProcessException as a result of this call means that this process is unable to correctly finish its execution, and that the parent must do something to fix the problem.

Specified by:
run in interface Enactable
ctx - A process context
nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException - If an unrecoverable local error occurs
java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread is interrupted


protected void doReset()
Performs specific reset actions in each subclass.

Specified by:
doReset in class ProcessImpl


public java.lang.String toString()

toString in class java.lang.Object

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