Interface Enactable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProcessImpl, AsyncProcessImpl, ControlProcessImpl, DoWhileProcessImpl, IfThenElseProcessImpl, ProcessImpl, RepeatUntilProcessImpl, SequenceProcessImpl, ServiceImpl, SplitJoinProcessImpl, UnorderedListProcessImpl, WhileDoProcessImpl

public interface Enactable

Variant of the Runnable interface.

Method Summary getId()
          Gets the name of this instance.
 void run(ProcessContext ctx)
          Performs the actual enaction of a process.

Method Detail


void run(ProcessContext ctx)
         throws nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException,
Performs the actual enaction of a process.

The instance must take into account possible errors, like service unavailability, or execution errors. As long as there are more "valid" candidates for the process, errors should not be propagated to the parent, and the next candidate should be selected and enacted.

A ProcessException as a result of this call means that this process is unable to correctly finish its execution, and that the parent must do something to fix the problem.

ctx - A process context
java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread is interrupted
nextgrid.api.pom.ProcessException - If an unrecoverable local error occurs

getId getId()
Gets the name of this instance. The name will be used to set the name of the wrapping Thread.

The name type and method name are intentionally the same as in the Process interface, because in most cases, the implementor class for this interface will be a Process implementation.

A name

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