Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessImpl

Uses of ProcessImpl in com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom

Subclasses of ProcessImpl in com.gridsystems.nextgrid.api.pom
 class AbstractProcessImpl
          A process with a semantic description, but no specific implementation binding details.
 class AsyncProcessImpl
          Control process that executes all its children sub-processes concurrently.
 class ControlProcessImpl
          Control Process.
 class DoWhileProcessImpl
          DoWhileProcess type.
 class IfThenElseProcessImpl
          Type description.
 class RepeatUntilProcessImpl
          RepeatUntilProcess type.
 class SequenceProcessImpl
          Control process that forces all its children to execute in a sequential basis.
 class ServiceImpl
          Services are concrete processes, bound to a specific grounding.
 class SplitJoinProcessImpl
          Control process that executes all its children process concurrently, and waits until they all finish.
 class UnorderedListProcessImpl
          Control process that executes its children in a non-deterministic order, but never concurrently.
 class WhileDoProcessImpl
          WhileDoProcess type.

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